Taylor Deering
My Name is Taylor Deering and I’m from Manchaca, Texas
I grew up in a “small-ish” town south of Austin and went to school in an even smaller town, Buda. I was always athletic growing up, I did EVERYTHING—ballet, tap, jazz, gymnastics (now that is ironic and somewhat humorous), soccer, track and had a late start on volleyball. Soccer was my first love, I played club growing up and LOVED it. Spent all the weeknights and weekends at tournaments, eating kiwi at half-time. As I approached the 8th grade I had to make a game time decision on which Club sport I wanted to continue, soccer or volleyball. I chose volleyball….and I would say that it worked out in my favor. I went on and got a Division 1 Scholarship to play in college and completed all 4 years. After graduating I was at a loss and didn’t know what to do with myself. I tried running and it sucked. Then I tried CrossFit, and well here I am 3.5 years later.
I now have been coaching CrossFit for almost 4 years. Time sure does fly by when you’re having fun. Never did I think I would be coaching CrossFit, I’ll tell you that. I can remember watching the games on TV, having NO CLUE what CrossFit was. I remember thinking “I want to be jacked and strong like those women, I want to be out there one day.. I want to do that”. Well shit, I am on my way!
I love coaching anyone who is willing to learn and who is coachable. Being coached is one of the hardest and most vulnerable positions an athlete can be in. If you are willing to listen, learn, experiment with me, accept my coaching style, accept the fact that I WILL be wrong sometimes, but I will always give you 150% of my effort and my knowledge for the athletes best interest, we will get along. That’s all I ask. I love coaching in general, it makes my heart happy to know that I have the ability to change someone’s life when they walk in the door. My “niche” is strongman–I LOVE LIFTING HEAVY AND AWKWARD SHIT. I want to do it all the time. I love coaching people to do things for the first time (tire flips, stones, yokes).
I enjoy eating, sleeping, coffee and the rain. I make necklaces. Brussel sprouts are the most amazing thing that has ever hit this planet. I will compete at the games one day.
A separate passion from coaching and competing in CrossFit is helping others. My lifelong goal is to move to South America, work for myself or with someone else, and help people. Help everyone, feed people, speak to them, walk with them, laugh with them, take their mind off what might be going on that day, give them hope, send them smiles and honestly do whatever I can to change lives.